Who do we insure?
You can be insured if you are a borrower, co-borrower, for any type of loan ( real estate, professional, repurchase, loans between individuals …). You may also be insured as warranty for a home loan or associated with a real estate company.
The age limit for membership to benefit from all the warranties varies between companies and contracts but in most cases the limit is at 65 years old. Beyond this age limit, you can only be admitted for death insurance. SOCAVIE offers insurance contracts whose age limits for membership in death insurance is 85 years.
The age limit for coverage, that is to say the age of completion of the warranty, is generally the same as the age limit for membership ( namely 65 years old) except for death insurance where the coverage limit is always later. Many of our partners allow to the insured until age 90 at the end of the loan.
If you are retired or pre-retired( over 55 years-old in general) without any paid employment to date of the membership, you can only benefit from the death insurance. Note that at reached the age of retirement for those already insured causes the termination of warranties and benefits in relation with the professional activity.